Atticus: four months

Atticus is four months old! He is the best baby.  I can't say it enough, he sleeps forever & wakes up happy as can be.  He is giggly & content 99% of the time.  He is very expressive these days & loves posing for the camera. Everyone always tells us he is just the best baby, its true!  He loves everything & is just here to party.

Age: 4 months
Height: 25 inches
Weight: 13.5 pounds

- LOVES his thumb.  & currently only accepts a newborn binky.. but mom is determined.
- Big big fan of sleep.  Currently sleeps from 8 pm to 10 am with one snack.
- His own cute voice.  He loves yelling & talking to anyone who will listen.  He stops mid-eating to just tell me a story.  I love his sweet little voice.
- Bubble baths
- His big brother!  Laughs every time he comes near him.
- The big kitties.

- A full diaper
- Daddy's beard kisses
- His car seat
- Not a huge fan of the wrap
- Being hungry!  His needs are basic, although he is finally stretching out feedings a little bit.
- Shoes

Big Moments:
- Jan 22: Rolled over for the first time
- Feb 8: Trying to sit up all by himself

- Busting out of 0-3 month clothing & upgraded to size 2 diapers because holy blowouts.
- Wins for most farts & biggest blowouts.  Mom is quickly becoming defeated with poop stains.

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