Atticus: twelve months

Twelve Months! This boy is ONE year old now!  How though?! I swear he was just born!  His little personality has just popped this last month!  He is so full of animation, especially when he gets all sleepy - he is so funny! It is our favorite time of the day with him!  He is a WIGGLE worm, he can wiggle right out of almost any "seatbelt" & will not hold still for the life of him!  He is very much a rule follower & makes a cute "OH" sound when someone else is being "naughty" or he catches himself being naughty! haha! Most days you can find him asleep - LOVES naptime or playing in the playroom - he would spend every second of his day in the playroom playing away!
Age: 12 months
Height: 29.6 in
Weight: 19.2 lbs

- Sleeping! He is NOT a morning person & hates being woken up from naps!  He will only sleep in cozy fleece jammies now & with all his cozy & stuffed animals! Cozy is his middle name!
- Loves playing kitchen & cars! He often goes upstairs by himself & shuts himself in the playroom! He loves playing with his big brother!
- Loves playing peekaboo, loves tickling & giving nuggies.

- Being away from Daddy! 
- Anybody else. haha big stranger danger phase right now
- The cold
- Diaper changes. UGH. Major sass!
- Taking these monthly pictures hahaha but really it's torture now

Big Moments:
- Oct 5: Started standing randomly by himself!
- Oct 11: Took two steps!
- New Words: Hola, Hello, Uh Oh, Nuggie, Boo, Tickle Tickle
- New tricks: Can turn & slide off the couch by himself, Can escape from his high chair, Can stand by himself & working on standing from sitting! 

- Still such a little guy!  Fits in 6-12 month clothes - some 12 months.  6-12 month shoes.  Size 3 diapers. 40% for height, 17% for weight, & 75% for head size - growing boy!
- Forever will be my favorite baby for sleeping so well.  Every once in a while he has a weird night & lately he has been forcing us to snuggle him before he will settle down for bed - but I mean... kind of love it. haha
- We have established that Atticus is an introvert.  He would much rather do his daily routine at home than go out, when he misses naps he is so grumpy & he hates being woken up so when we go run errands or go on an adventure we seriously debate whether it will interrupt his life too much or not.  He is a fickle little guy, who likes some adventure but not too much & really hates running errands unless there is food involved!
- He is officially allergic to doggies & hay! Poor little guy! He loves doggies!

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