Atticus: Eight Months

This babe is eight months old! He is the cutest ball of sunshine & his little personality is really starting to form! He is so easy going & just happy to be there.  Until he is hungry or it is nap time then he is like done with the fun & can't hang anymore.  He loves to play with his brother all day long & WILL find that tiny crumb on the floor to put in his mouth!  I can tell he is going to be straight trouble soon, he loves making messes & getting into anything & everything but can't even be mad at him with his cute little face!

Age: 8 months
Height: 26.5"
Weight: 16.5 lbs

- His blankey! It's his #1 must have!
- LOVES animals.  He has recently started noticing all the animals! He especially loves his kitties!
- Taking bubble baths.
- He loves food! So far there hasn't been a food that he didn't like to eat!  He is starting to eat more solids than purees & is loving them! Cookies are his favorite, because duh cookies.
- Loves Benson, they are the cutest little best friends.

- Wearing shoes, or clothes, or diapers.
- If mom ever walks by. 
- Going swimming.  Warm water only please!
- Loud noises.  The blender, the vacuum, the drill, nooo thank you.  He bursts into tears!
- "Strangers"  Big on the stranger danger- he doesn't cry but he is just immediately reaches back for mom haha
- Grass! HATES grass.

Big Moments:
- June 5th: First word! BABA!
- June 8th: Got his 3rd tooth! Working on #4.- June 9th: Finally will sit up by himself!

- Supplementing with formula is really starting to show on this babe.  He is getting some yummy chunky legs & a little double chin! Fits in 6 month clothes, 3-6 month shoes & wearing size 3 diapers.
- He is a bottle champion now! Even holds his own bottles now!
- Words: He has suddenly learned a bunch of words! He says baba most frequently, mama when he is upset & dada! Every once in awhile it sounds like he is saying hey too.

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