The reality of nine month pictures. |
Height: 27"
Weight: 17.5 lbs
- FOOD. He is VERY into food now, if you are eating you better be sharing! His favorite foods right now are cookies, eggs, tomatoes, & berries!
- Standing! He is cruising the furniture now & loves standing at the edge of everything & terrifying us all!
- Loves his blankey, he can't sleep without it!
- Mama- he loves his daddy but at baba time & bedtime he is alllll mama (even if he is saying dada).
- Stringing the toilet paper all over the bathroom...
- Bedtime. Naptime. He's got some fomo.. or attachment issues..
- Wearing anything. He is throwing the BIGGEST fits getting dressed haha!
- He HATES when you say the word naughty hahaha (truth hurts) he will BURST into tears.
- When mom walks by. ever.
- He is for sure a homebody, he really hates being out & about mostly because naptime!
Big Moments:
- Popped two more teeth through this month for a total of : 6 teeth!
- June 18: Officially started crawling!
- June 21: Started climbing!
- July 5: Started waving!
- This month we weaned him from the boobs! It was a little bit of an adjustment for him but it was mostly hard for him at bedtime. I loved breastfeeding up until he has now 6 teeth.. so it was time haha He is loving bottles & mom is still holding him for all his meals, so nothing has really changed much.
- Party tricks: He learned how to wave!!! His little wave is so cute! & he pairs it perfectly with saying HI! & HEY! He also says, mama (sometimes rarely), dada (always) & baba!
- Along with weaning at the same time we were sleep training! Rough month, I know! But I'm so happy to say after a couple of hard weeks this boy is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Someone throw him a party! We are ALL a lot happier & well rested! Hallelujah!
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