Before he turns three I feel like I should document this 2.5 year old. The sentence to best describe Benson is.. to know Benson, is to love him. He has a contagious personality full of laughter & love & kindness. He has no shortage of energy & is the busiest person you will ever meet. His love language is kisses & hugs. He loves every holiday & doing activities. He was born to be a big brother & has taken on his role perfectly. He is also such a helper, he loves doing his "jobs" - feeding the kitties, putting dishes away with mommy, setting the table for meals & "making" his bed. He has really grown up this past year & we love him so much!
Age: 2.5 years old
- Loves playing outside! Whether it's rainy, snowy or sunny he is always begging me to play outside. He spends most of his days in his sandbox or playing in his water table. He has recently discovered bugs & is always looking for new bugs outside with his magnifying glass.
- Consequently he also loves TV.. he is currently obsessed with PJ Masks, Little Einsteins (forever!), Wall-E, Chuggington, Snoopy & The Magic School Bus! He will pretty much watch anything though, but has his very precise requests.
- Food! Benson has become the BEST eater! He would eat all day long if I let him. He loves berries, tomatoes, cereal, PB&J shandwishes, "roni cheese", "yogo & nola", pancakes & grapes.
- He LIVES for leaving the house, just like his mom. Even if it is just going to the mailbox. Our favorite outings are Target (duh), the Le-bory (library), & the park! He LOVES the park.
- His favorite word I would say is favorite. He says everything is his favorite. & poop is not a favorite, it is gross. He also says love a lot. He loves everything & everybody.
- His interests right now are anything with wheels & magnet blocks. He loves trains & airplanes especially & loves to build & make things with his hands. He is also a collector now, he has little collections all over the house of what looks like junk but is secretly treasures. He also is fascinated with the moon & the sun & is always talking about them both. Oh & bugs - VERY into bugs.
- Being told No... which now he follows with a whiney drawn out WHYYYYY!
- Taking naps. haha! His mom is still holding strong though! He will go through all the hoops to not take a nap, but will always crash at 6 pm.
- suck-ed the nose hahaha He REALLY hates having his nose sucked
- The only food he really doesn't like are potatoes & corn haha\
Benson Phrases:
-What you takin bout?
- That sounds fun! - to anything.
- Eldescent - Elephant, Crocigator (Crocodile or Alligator)
- Foo Buh - School Bus, Amerdica! (any flag),
- Everyday: let's watch a "youvie", eat "cocorn" & shhhnuggle!
- Schweeming poo - swimming pool
- When he doesn't want to do something he says "ummm tomorrow.."
- All day long: "Bebe is a cuuuuuute!"
- Asks everyone is they are a hooman. - to be clear he is a hooman & not a cat.
- Benson is such a smart kid! He can count to 20, knows all of his letters, all of his shapes & colors! He loves singing nursery rhymes & has most of his bedtime books memorized. He is full of facts. He loves learning & soaks up everything!
- Since his tonsil surgery earlier in the year he has made huge improvements with sleep. He sleeps most nights through the night but will forever & ever wake up at 6:30 a.m. so now we are morning people whether we like it or not! He is happy as can be at 6:30 & will greet you with a big hug & a kiss for making you crawl out of bed with the sun.
- Benson temporarily changed his name to Grey for a couple of months. He seriously wouldn't even answer to Benson. But he changed it back & now just tells everyone his name is Benson Grey. He is very adamant that his name is Benson Grey. and he is not a baby, he is 2!
- Potty training: we've had lots of potty training adventures but still haven't made the plunge. He is very impressed by his anatomy though & loves to tell anyone who will listen about his penis.
- He may or may not have learned the F word.. so that's been fun. But also too good not to document. My favorite F word phrases he has said are:
"Oh a F---ing fly!" // "Mom, we're in the F---ing car!" // "Ah! Not the F---ing blue playdoh!"
& the classic... "What the F---!" // "Those peaches are F---ing AMAZING!"
oh & the shit word "Oh Shit it's raining!" hahaha
- Every holiday is Benson's favorite holiday! He is so creative & loves crafting & doing activities just like his mom. But he is also getting more & more athletic like his dad & loves to go outside & play ball with him.
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