
Just a quick post on how Thankful I am this year.  

I have a wonderful husband who would do anything for me, works hard for us, is going to school to continue to work hard & loves me so much.  He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love his guts.

I have a wonderful family that despite our ups & downs we always seem to come out on top.  I love each and every one of them & their uniqueness equally.  We are hilarious, strange & very loud & I LOVE it.
(extended family not pictured, but equally loved!)

I have an equally wonderful family-in-law that has accepted Kevin & I & care about us so much.  We are so grateful for every moment we get to spend with them, since they are a little spread out.

I am thankful that Kevin & I both have great jobs that work with our schedules so well, we have a beautiful house that is SO wonderful, we FINALLY have a washer&dryer & are SO grateful we don't have to haul our laundry around anymore.  We are thankful for all of our fabulous friends in our life who make the hard times just a little bit better. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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