eleven months

This cute little guy is already eleven months! Like how does that even happen! He's almost ONE!  He is such a funny cute baby with such a big personality.  He's just always up for a good time & always ready to go party at Target with his mom.  He's a little snuggle bug & gives us kisses on occasion but that's probably because we kisses his cute cheeks & fuzzy head all day long.  We love him so much & all his craziness.

Age: 11 months
Height: 29 inches
Weight: 22.2 pounds

- Playtime.  He looooves to play 24/7.  He always is getting into everything & has to dump everything out so he can play with ALL the things.  He loves to pass the ball, throw things..., & loves stacking things.
- Music.  This boy is always grooving to some beat, he pats to the rhythm, sings, mouths the words (or his version..dadadada), & is ALWAYS dancing! I love how much he loves music! His favorite songs right now are Sia, Justin Bieber,  The Wonder Pets song, & Don't let me down.
- Being crazy.  He does the cutest thing where he shakes his head and yells really loud, it's our faaavorite. Also his new "spitting" trick is too funny!
- When daddy comes home!
- Playing with the kitties & feeding the kitties the food he doesn't want.
- His favorite foods right now are bananas, blueberries, grapes & tomatoes!

- Being told NO or Uh Uh.  He has started shaking his head when we tell him no, but if we tell him no sternly he BURSTS into tears & gets the biggest pouty lip.  It's pretty hilarious & really hard not to laugh at him!
- He really hates getting dressed though, like he tries to escape everytime!
- Being put in time out in his crib.. somedays are hard & mama needs a break..
- When daddy goes to work. :(
- Sitting still.

Big Moments:
July 19- Learned to point
July 25- Took his first trip down the stairs & got a nice shiner for a few days..
Aug 2- Flew on his first airpline! To Florida!
Aug 7- Went to Disneyworld!

-We 100% weaned Benson from breast feeding this last month & it wasn't easy.  We both shed some tears & he has had a hard time adjusting to the baba life, but it was totally time with 6 teeth & a busy busy baby breast feeding was becoming a chore instead of a bonding moment.  Breast feeding has been such a great experience for us & i'm so glad we were able to do it for 10 whole months!  Be careful though, if Benson sees your boobies he will probably try to eat them hahaha he tests out Kevin's everytime they are out. ;)
-Benson is made for a life of travel! He loved our vacation to Florida so much!  He was such a breeze on the airplane & loved Disneyworld sooooo much.  He only cried on one ride, that was completely terrifying but every other ride he just laughed & stared at everything soaking it all up! He was completely heart broken when we came home, the whole next day he threw tantrums alllll day long & missed his daddy A LOT!
-We have such a social little baby, he loves to go on play dates & play with other little kids/babies!  It's so cute watching him try to keep up and talk & play with all the kids.  He wants to be big so bad & just walk and talk with everyone!

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