27 weeks bumpdate

The baby is the size of a: Lettuce!

Gender: BOY!

Name: Atticus Ezra Kuhle 💙

Bump: Big & Heavy!  It's hard for me to imagine I still have 3 months left & I feel like i'm all stretched out haha,  I remember thinking this with Benson too  & boy by the end I know I'll look back to now I think it was nothing!  Gaining a little more weight than I have been but gotta chub up this cute boy!

Symptoms: A lot of heartburn.  A lot of gas. hahaha TMI. but.. really.
A lot of sweat.. being pregnant in the summer is literally the worst.
Some SERIOUS rib pain.. I guess this baby realizes he's got a few months so he's made himself nice & cozy in my ribs.. which is killing me!  So if you wonder.. is she wearing a bra? Nope, i'm probably not! haha! It kills to wear one!
The start of some swelling! Waaa.  I thought maybe I could avoid it this time around..

Sleep: The middle of the night potty runs have begun & that leads to the middle of the night can't go back to sleep.
So a lot of Mama & Benson naps have been happening in our house!  It's too damn hot to do anything anyways & Benson LOVES sleeping in our bed haha soo really nobody minds.. except Atticus.  He's hates me when I lay down. 

Cravings/Aversions to Eating: ICE CREAM CONES every night please.  & fries.  & popcorn.  & cereal. & a random steak here & there haha! Kevin secretly is loving my cravings.  Like one night it was a caramel apple, like SO BAD. & he happily googled places, drove over & got me one!  I love that man.

Looking forward to: FALL. hahaha BUT REALLY. It's so hot.
Getting our room all baby ready!  Kevin is working on a side crib for our bed & I'm soo excited!  I keep telling myself THIS babe won't be coming in our bed so I think a side crib is going to be heaven on earth for us all!
My due date?  Or at least being close enough for people to feel my belly is justified.  3 months just sounds like a lifetime even though this whole pregnancy really is flying by!

25 weeks: Went on our big BABYMOON for 2 days!  It was hot & we mostly swam in the swimming pool but it was the perfect little getaway just the two of us before Atticus joins our family!  Benson got spoiled by his auntie so nobody feel too sorry for him, although I think he appreciated his mom a little more for a few days afterwards haha!  

26 weeks: Benson is very familiar with the term baby now & no longer refers to himself as the baby (mostly) but points at my belly (or his belly 😍) but the other day we were in the store & a friend asked if he was going to have a new baby & he full on lifted up my shirt for them hahaha I was mortified.

27 weeks: I successfully made it through a full day at Lagoon with a toddler in 100 degree weather.  Where is my medal.

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