Ten months! This boy is growing up so fast! He is so wiggly, always on the move these days. Keeping up with his big brother & playing or eating all day long! He is the happiest guy (as long as he gets those naps) & is most content just hanging out at home. He can't live without his cozy blankey & prefers to be naked. Living his best baby life!
Age: 10 months
Weight: 18.6 lbs
- Daddy! He has become a big daddy's boy this last month! As soon as he gets home he reaches his arms out & makes Kevin hold him until the end of time.
- FOOD! Food is life for this one! He is always eating! His favorite foods right now are: bananas, yogurt bites, berries, breakfast cookies, tomatoes, & cheese! He hasn't met a food he didn't like though.
- Loves Benson. His favorite thing to do is just hang out with Benson in his bed. They love to snuggle & can play together for hours! Cutest little best friends!
- His cozy. Or anything soft. He loves rubbing his face on soft blankeys & animals. It is my favorite thing!
- Nature/the sun/leaving the house. hahaha but really he is such a grump when we go out!
- Skipping naps. His dark side will come out.
- Getting dressed.
- Waiting for babas or food in general. He yells SO loud.
Big Moments:- I wouldn't say he learned that many "tricks" this month but he sure can crawl fast now! He cruises the furniture & climbs the stairs every chance he gets.
- Party tricks: learned to say Kitty! & the MMMWAH sound for kisses.
- Sleeping all through the night - he usually sleeps 7:30-7:30. As long as he has his cozy blankey!
- Fits in 6-12 month clothes & 3-6 month shoes. Wearing size 3 diaper!
- We did discover this month that he has had a lip/tongue tie this whole time! So hoping he is clumsy like his brother & breaks it but for now he's got a cute little gap in his teeth & that's about it!
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